Our Award Winning Redwood Deck

This Redwood deck won 2nd place in the national Vermont American Built-By-Hand Contest recently (April '03). The company that
sponsored the contest makes the blades I used for my saws. I was very surprised to learn I had made it to the semi-finals because
of the competition I was facing...much less to place second.

The deck was built in November 2001 with Construction Heart Redwood from Lee Roy Jordan Lumber Company here in Dallas.
The house is in the Swiss Avenue Historic District and the deck was built to conform to the landscape architect's plan for the couple's
backyard (which I modified to go around the original step out of the back door, therfore keeping the back door area original). I also
built the deck without attaching it to the house...a requirement of the Historical District building code.

The benches were my creation and were designed while working on the deck and a matching birdhouse near
the back door was a gift to the owners from the only piece of Redwood left.

Here's what I won...