Papua New Guinea Rosewood Picture Frame
Phil Lifesy from
Tropical Hardwoods in Longview Texas brought me
some samples
of this imported hardwood last month. It was very nice of him
to drop the boards
by. I decided to make the first project with them recently....
framing a picture
from our wedding reception that my father in law had blown up for us.
The wood is easy
to work, yet very hard...reminds me of Mahogany. Since the picture
was on a thick
backing and was over 1/4" thick, I decided to use my new panel door
router bits to
make the frame.
I also decided
to put another frame around the frame and trim it out. This was made from
strips I had
laying around....funny thing was the Mahogany and the Rosewood (also known
as PNG Sandalwood) were almost a perfect match. So that led me to stain
the outer frame with
Jacobean Minwax
stain for a little contrast.
Here's a link to the page where the exotic woods pics are from Phil's first visit to the shop...